According to the translation service ImmenaApple introduced the M1 chip last year as part of a chip known as Apple Silicon, which is Apple’s proprietary set of processors based on the ARM architecture. The company has introduced several Mac products equipped with the M1 chip, followed by rumors about the release of new MacBooks equipped with the new Apple M1X chip.
The information provided shows that the new Mac models book With the new M1X chip in the cases of the Economic Commission Eurasia (EAEC) has appeared. There appear to be several models in the EEC list, most of which are related to the macOS update. Only two products are new with model numbers A2442 and A2485 and do not match Apple’s new products.
Apple plans to launch its new Mac devices with the M1X chip in the coming months. Reports Previously published shows that Mac models book Apple Pro with a completely new design and in two models with 14-inch and 16-inch screens mini LEDs are supplied. This product supports MagSafe charging port and several other ports such as HDMI and SD card slot. It has recently been reported that new Mac series products book They will be officially introduced in the fall of this year and will be sold in the middle of that season.
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